The GraphQL API

This page presents all available arguments for the different queries.


Get a list of products (simple/variants).

Based on the REST API endpoint

The following arguments are available:

Argument Type Description
limit Int Limit the number of results
example limit: 5
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
locales String[] Filter values to keep only the ones related to these locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]
channel String Filter values to keep only the ones related to this channel
example channel: "b2b"
currencies String[] Filter values to keep only the ones related to these currencies
example currencies: ["USD", "EUR"]
search String Filter results based on specific search
more details on Common notions - query with search
categories String[] Get product associated with these categories based on categories codes
example categories: ["categ-code1", "categ-code2"]
families String[] Get product associated with these families based on families codes
example families: ["family-code1", "family-code2"]
uuid String[] Get only specific items based on their uuid
example uuid: ["002844f9-a470-42e2-8268-ddfd8f646593", "002844f9-3648-8268-8268-ddfd8f6411545"]
parent String Get product variants linked to the product models base on its code
example code: "code1"
noParent Boolean Only accepted value true, will return only simple products.
attributesToLoad String[] Restrict the attribute values loadded on the product, more details on Best practices

The categories, families, and uuid are using under the hood of the Rest API search capabilities to ease the data fetching.

More arguments to abstract the search will be added over time.


Get a list of product models.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
limit Int Limit the number of results
example limit: 5
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
channel String Filter values to keep only the ones related to this channel
example channel: "b2b"
locales String[] Filter values to keep only the ones related to this locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]
currencies String[] Filter values to keep only the ones related to these currencies
example currencies: ["USD", "EUR"]
search String Filter results based on specific search
more details on Common notions - query with search
codes String[] Get only specific items based on their codes
example codes: ["code1", "code-2"]
categories String[] Get product associated with these categories based on categories codes
example categories: ["categ-code1", "categ-code2"]
families String[] Get product associated with these families based on families codes
example families: ["family-code1", "family-code2"]
attributesToLoad String[] Restrict the attribute values we will load on product, more details on Best practices

The categories, families and codes use under the hood the Rest API search capabilities to ease the data fetching.

More arguments to abstract the search will be added over the time.


Get a list of families.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
limit Int Limit the number of results
example limit: 5
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
codes String[] Get only specific items based on their codes
example codes: ["code1", "code-2"]
locales String[] Filter values to keep only the one related to these locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]


Get a list of categories.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
limit Int Limit the number of results
example limit: 5
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
search String Filter results based on specific search
more details on Common notions - query with search
locales String[] Filter values to keep only the ones related to these locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]
root Boolean Get only category that is root true or not false
parent String Get children categories of a parent category
example parent: "code-parent-category"
codes String[] Get only specific items based on their codes
example codes: ["code1", "code-2"]


Get a list of attributes.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
limit Int Limit the number of results
example limit: 5
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
search String Filter results based on specific search
more details on Common notions - query with search
locales String[] Filter labels to keep only the ones related to these locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]
codes String[] Get only specific items based on their codes
example codes: ["code1", "code-2"]
types String[] Get only specific items based on their types
example types: ["pim_catalog_simpleselect"]
identifier Boolean Get only items that correspond to this filter
example identifier: true


Get a list of options for a given attribute.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
attributeCode String required Get attribute options linked to a specific attribute
locales String[] Filter labels to keep only the ones related to these locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations


Get a list of locales.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
limit Int Limit the number of results
example limit: 5
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
enabled Boolean Get only items that correspond to the value (true/false)
example enabled: true


Get the list of all currencies.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
limit Int Limit the number of results
example limit: 5
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
enabled Boolean Get only items that correspond to the value (true/false)
example enabled: true


Get a list of channels.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
limit Int Limit the number of results
example limit: 5
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
locales String[] Filter labels to keep only the ones related to this locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]


Get a list of measurement families.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
locales String[] Filter labels to keep only the ones related to this locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]


Get a list of asset families.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
code String Get a specific asset family
example code: "code-of-asset-family"
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
locales String[] Filter labels to keep only the ones related to this locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]


Get a list of assets for a given asset family.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
assetFamily String required Get assets linked to an assetFamily
example assetFamily: "code-parent-asset-family"
channel String Filter values to keep only the ones related to this channel
example channel: "b2b"
locales String[] Filter labels to keep only the ones related to these locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
search String Filter results based on specific search
more details on Common notions - query with search
codes String[] Get only specific items based on their codes
example codes: ["code1", "code-2"]


Get a list of reference entities.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
code String Get a specific reference entity
example code: "code-of-ref-entity"
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
locales String[] Filter labels to keep only the ones related to these locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]


Get a list of records for a given reference entity.

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
referenceEntity String required Get reference entity records linked to a referenceEntity
example referenceEntity: "code-parent-ref-entity"
channel String Filter values to keep only the ones related to this channel
example channel: "b2b"
locales String[] Filter values to keep only the ones related to these locales
example locales: ["fr_FR", "en_US"]
page String Display a specific page, the value must come from the links{next/self/first}
more details on Common notions - paginations
search String Filter results based on specific search
more details on Common notions - query with search
codes String[] Get only specific items based on their codes
example codes: ["code1", "code-2"]


Get an authentication token.

More details on the authentication process are available on the Getting started

Based on the REST API endpoint

Argument Type Description
username String required
password String required
clientId String required
clientSecret String required


Get the version and the edition of the PIM.

Based on the REST API endpoint

No arguments are needed.